F. D. Bryant III

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Latest activity by F. D. Bryant III
  • F. D. Bryant III commented,

    Ah, I see it just works.  That's great, although probably should be documented (unless of course it is and I just can't find it).  I would still like to see this supported with being able to contro...

  • F. D. Bryant III created a post,

    How to use local control?

    The one feature I wanted since getting the Tailwind is local control.  Specifically, so I should be able to open the garage door with my phone even if the Wifi is down.  So I checked in today and i...

  • F. D. Bryant III created a post,

    Use Bluetooth to open Garage

    I looking to set up a smart garage since my only garage remote fell apart recently (actually been interested in doing so before then, but that justifies the expense over other priorities).  I am ve...