Required December 2020 firmware update
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It already is Elijah. We pushed it out to all devices that are online. The only ones we cannot push it to are the ones that are not online. If yours is online and you don't see the "update firmware" message as shown in the app, you're all set and you can ignore the email.
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Yes for sure. I just tried to keep the email as simple as possible because I had a feeling if I put the firmware version code in the email I would most likely get bombarded with messages asking how to check the version code. We have an enormous range of customers from the insanely tech savvy to people that need help finding where the settings app / menu is on their phone. So I tried to "walk the line" on the message between those 2 extremes.
The new firmware is V9.05.
Ok we found the issue. Should be fixed tomorrow. Please leave your controllers online and they should automatically update by themselves by morning. If you check in the morning and you still see they haven't updated, swipe down to refresh your screen. If "update available" still shows, please tap it and the update should complete. We won't know until the early morning hours if we fixed it or not, but we do know the root cause and we have a plan to address it tonight.
So sorry for the trouble.
Clinton, please contact for further assistance. Cynthia I believe I answered your email :)
Hi Everyone,
A lot of people have asked me how this could happen - that the firmware can "no longer connect after a certain date". The same thing just happened to Wyze and they ship millions of devices per year. Their new robot vacuums just got smacked with exactly the same thing. I know exactly what the issue is. It's the same one we faced. Super frustrating. I love Wyze products and their company. I have their cameras and sensors. I've preordered their new products. I support them.
The trouble is that a certain Certificate Authority made a change recently that has substantial implications for a lot of devices and websites. Websites are simple to fix - update the certificate on the server. Solved. Not so simple when a device is out in the wild. You can't log into it and update it. Connecting to that device requires the same security certificate that is no longer valid.
We are on the other side of the problem and we're taking numerous steps to make sure it never happens again.
Here's the recent announcement from Wyze.
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