Wifi Interference



  • Official comment
    Scott Riesebosch


    Thanks for posting this. We haven't heard of this issue before but like with all things wireless - it is possible. If we hear about this happening to more customers we will certainly update our communications. We had one other reported similar case, but that turned out to simply be that the garage door remote control battery was on its last legs. That customer replaced their remote battery and all was well after that.


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  • Cameron River

    Had a similar experience but it turned out that wires weren't making good contact after trying to connect both wires to the garage motor.   I recommend using a short piece of wire to join together each set of wires (looks like a Y) instead which makes for a better connection.  That way you are only inserting only the short piece of wire in the garage motor.

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  • Matt Goff

    My problem wasn't Tailwind not opening the garage door, it was the usual garage door opener stopped working when Tailwind was just plugged in and connected to wifi (even after I removed all of the Tailwind control wires).  That said, when I did connect them, I did it as you described with pigtails into the opener and wirenuts to join it with the wall button and Tailwind.

    I finally just plugged Tailwind into an extension cord and tried a few locations around the garage until I could still operate the doors using the buttons in the car and the remote on the wall outside.  I then permanently mounted it there and wired it up, and it's been working great since.

    I had a homebuilt version of Tailwind and it had the same problem.  I guess my Chamberlain doors are easily interfered with by the wifi radio.

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  • Cameron River

    That's very strange.   You're probably right, about the radio interface.  Could be a rogue device in your area.  I had a friend that had WiFi problems in his apartment and they finally found someone that was using a router from China what was killing their WiFi.   Big FCC violation.

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