Chamberlain adaptor question



  • Official comment
    Scott Riesebosch

    Just emailed them to you Adam.

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  • mike winkelmann

    Please sent to me as well.  Why not post it on the web site?


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  • Denzil Sequeira

    Hi same situation here as Adam. Can you please email it to

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  • Richard DeMichele

    Hi, trying to get my Alexa to work with the Tailwind. Alexa requires a log in to the Tailwind app, which I tried numerous times and I get an error message saying the email or password is incorrect. I’ve changed the password three times and it comes up with the same message each time I tried to login. What else can I do?

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  • Scott Riesebosch

    Please note we have 2 skills and 2 integrations.


    Alexa App Tailwind App

    Tailwind -> Alexa Custom

    Tailwind Smart -> Alexa Smart Home


    You need to match them up. Most people just use the smart home skill.

    If the Smart Home skill links properly but the custom skill in the Alexa app is not linking, please make sure you’ve enabled the Alexa custom skill in the Tailwind app and also set the device and PIN.

    Also note that you need to use the Tailwind app login credentials not the Tailwind support site credentials.

    ​One more note - it has come to our attention that Amazon updated their Alexa app. Now to add the Tailwind "smart home skill" you do it through the "add devices" menu in the Alexa app, not through the skills menu as shown in our video.

    Here is a  video showing how to set up Alexa - but it has not been updated to reflect the above change


    Here is a list of all the current Alexa commands



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