Multiple Admin accounts



  • Adam Roberts

    +1. We are using this in a small 6 unit condo building and have the same need to get to history logs.

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  • Nick Manos

    I'd like to throw in another use case for this. I set up a Tailwind for my parents and I am their primary tech support, so administrator access is a must for me. But there are often small tweaks to settings that my father would like to perform, which currently means having me do it. For example, if he's doing something outside, and my mother leaves to run errands, it would be nice if he could disable her garage door so that it doesn't automatically close after she's gotten far enough away from the house. Currently, a guest account can't do this.

    I think a granular permission system would be ideal, allowing the "owner" to set how much or how little access each user has individually. But simply allowing multiple administrators would be a start. I can certainly understand minimal permissions by default, but there are often cases where multiple people can be trusted with full admin permissions. Sometimes multiple admins is a must.

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  • Dave M

    I also need this.  My wife and I each have an account, where hers is an invited (guest?) account.  Our Tailwind frequently does weird stuff and goes into the "Locked out" state, and she needs to be able to remotely restart the device so she can resend the door signal.

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