Is the service down?



  • Official comment
    Scott Riesebosch

    Hi Roger,

    Our service is not down. Your Tailwind device is online and reporting excellent wifi signal strength.

    What happens if you turn off wifi in your phone settings so you're on the mobile network? Are you able to see your Tailwind device online that way?


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  • Scott Riesebosch

    Also, you'll notice at the top of our support page - we have a system status indicator. You can check that anytime to see the system status.

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  • Roger Halabi

    Thx for the reply. I have turned off wifi and still say Please check internet connection" even on the T-mobile network.  is there any way to remove the device from my account and reset it back to beginning setup mode so I can re-add it?

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  • Scott Riesebosch

    That won't help. Are you using an Android phone?

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  • Roger Halabi

    Yes android 10 on a T-mobile LG Velvet. It's been working great for months and just stopped last night.  What are my options?

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  • Roger Halabi

    I uninstalled and reinstalled the Tailwind android app and now all is ok. I can see both doors. Sorry for the bother. 

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  • Scott Riesebosch

    No worries Roger. Sorry it wasn't working properly for you. I was also going to suggest you check your time / date settings in your phone. Make sure that is set to "automatic".


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  • Roger Halabi

    no worries thx for trying to help out.

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