Announcements/Notifications Reversed



  • Official comment
    Scott Riesebosch

    Hi Sam,

    We've had some reports of something similar. Not quite the same though. Could you please ping me at so I can get your Tailwind account info? I want to have the team check it for you.

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  • David Roupe

    Whether the door is opening or closing I am only getting the verbal message my garage door just closed but the notification is correct and shows opened or closed, this has been happening ever since tailwind came back online

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  • Andre Viens

    I am here to report the same. Been for about a week now. The audio says "opened", but the text notification says "closed" (the text notification is correct, but the audio is the opposite)

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  • Scott Riesebosch

    We've had some reports of this. We have been looking into it and everything is sending correctly from our server to Google's notification service, yet somehow the wrong audio file is being played for a relatively small number of people, while most are not experiencing this strange bug.

    The simplest and quickest solution is to delete the Tailwind app, reinstall it, and log back in. Please be sure to grant all requested permissions. All settings are preserved when you do this, so you won't have to re-configure anything. We have reports that this has worked in all cases so far.

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  • Andre Viens

    Confirmed. Uninstalled and reinstalled and it fixed the problem for me. Thanks!

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  • David Roupe

    Confirmed as well.  Thanks Scott, this is the second time you have quickly fixed my little problems.  Despite the recent issues, I still live by Tailwind and just recently gave one as a house warming gift to a friend.  Look forward to future advances in the product and wonder what you might come out with next.  "No one has really hit automating the sliding glass door market with great success yet" *Hint Hint*

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  • Sam Dunham

    I'll try the uninstall/reinstall thing and see if it works for me, as well. Thanks all. :)

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  • Sam Dunham

    Yep, that worked! Thanks.

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