

  • Sourceproorg

    I'm convinced that these outages are revealing the true Tailwind team abilities. It's nice to be touchy feely about all this but in reality I have a family who depends on a reliable working garage door. These outages create a massive disruption in my families daily coming and going. I've started to look elsewhere. 

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  • Francesco

    In reality I have a family that knows this is an added layer of convenience, and *not* the main garage door control or access to my home. There are valid concerns in some of the now-20-plus threads here (please, folks, don’t start any new threads). It’s the “me-me-me” complaints that don’t actually help. Go to the main thread (now 95+ comments) and either give constructive comments or constructive criticism if you are able, or do like the rest of us and sit back, use the original remote controls for your doors, and be patient waiting for Scott R and his team to get this sorted. Put yourself in their shoes and then reflect on your comments here and ask yourself if they are at all helpful.

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  • Sourceproorg

    Oh thanks Francesco I feel much better now.

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