powered puck



  • Official comment
    Scott Riesebosch

    Thanks Sam.

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  • Avi Carmi (K6AVI)

    I understand that the TVS needs to be sealed for motorcycle use, but in a car, a rechargeable TVS would be great, just like a rechargeable Bluetooth earpiece.

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  • Scott Riesebosch

    Would a USB powered version do the trick for you Avi?

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  • Sam Ralston

    Yes it would (or ODB).

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  • Avi Carmi (K6AVI)

    The ideal solution would be just like my Bluetooth earpiece, a rechargeable battery that can hold a charge for a few weeks (or months). and only when the rechargeable battery runs low, I'll connect it to a USB cable to recharge it.

    on the other hand, how would I know that it is running low on charge, and it is time to recharge... 

    so maybe a permanent USB connection would be the best, though I do already have a tangled mess of USB cables and not enough outlets... 

    which means that maybe I should just shut up and stick with the battery powered one... esp if the battery will last for a year or more... and the battery powered one is easily transportable from car to car.

    the TVS is extremely nice to have, but not critical. so even if the battery (or rechargeable battery) runs out, it will not be the end of the world...



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  • Sam Ralston

    We have 2 garage doors and I am not parking in the other door. I realize it is in iPhone issue that it does not disconnect but a powered puck (no battery) would solve some of the wrong connection issues.

    I Just left to run a quick errand. I was gone for 15-20 minutes. When I returned it auto opened garage door 1 not 2. More information in the history would be great to confirm what happened (ie if the history showed that it was auto opened because of proximity, and that it was using my phone attached to the other puck).

    So I believe on the way out it attached to the wife's puck. I got into my car did the errand and when I return it opened up her garage door (not mine). So I can only assume it did not disconnect from her puck.

    If the puck was powered somehow it would only be on when the car is on. hence I should not get false reconnects.

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  • Sam Ralston

    I think something else might be going on. Again better history would help. It opened the wrong door again. Did the update from door 1 to door 2 and save not take affect?

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  • Scott Riesebosch

    Hi Sam,

    To know what is going on in this case it would be best if you sent in a bug report through the Tailwind app and then send an email to support@gotailwind.com asking about it. Our team can review the bug report and tell you what happened as long as you send the bug report shortly after you arrive home and it opens door 1 instead of door 2.

    We can definitely figure it out for you and get things working properly.

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