animation for door closing not quite perfect
I know this is a minor thing in the grand scheme of things, but just wanted to mention that the door closing animation on the iOS app could use a little improvement. The animation itself is really neat, but what I'm seeing is this.
1. Door starts out as open. I tap the "open door" icon for the garage in the app to close the door.
2. The app shows the cool animation of the door starting to close.
3. When the animated door reaches "fully closed", the icon suddenly pops back to as if the door were fully open, even though I can see the door still closing in real life.
4. Once the door has closed, the icon in the app suddenly and immediately switches to showing the door as closed.
So, my suggestion would be to keep the animation, but just somehow instruct the app to give the door a little time to close so that the app doesn't think "hey wait the door isn't closed yet" and reset the door icon to open. Alternatively, slow the door closing animation down a bit so that by the time it's finished "closing" in the app", the door is likely to actually be closed in real life, and thus the app wouldn't reset it to showing as "open" for a brief few seconds.
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:) on it!
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