Solid yellow light



  • Official comment
    Scott Riesebosch

    Sorry for the delayed reply. A yellow light means that it either cannot reach our server or is not yet assigned to a user account. A yellow status light means it is connected to a WiFi network but that's it. If the controller is configured / assigned to your account and all you're getting is a yellow light, the first thing to check is your firewall settings.

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  • Phil Cortes


    I am new to Tailwind and just got it setup. However I have the same issue. It's connected to my WiFi network and pingable but the app can't connect to it (yellow light.) There are no restrictions outbound. What exactly am I looking for in my firewall settings? 

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  • Bill C

    How can we tell if it is connected to the account?

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  • Scott Riesebosch

    Hi Bill, 

    We are experience a service interruption. I have been keeping people up to date in this thread


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  • JB

    I am experiencing the same issue listed here. I have even made firewall entries to specifically let traffic through even though nothing seemed to be blocked. All packets that I captured and states show successful communication and nothing being blocked

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  • Scott Riesebosch

    Hi JB,

    Please contact to sort this out.

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  • Alex Woolf

    Seems this issue has just cropped up for me too, has not populated any device details within the last hour or so, just a solid yellow light. Might have to check again in the morning and possibly reset the device and set it up again.

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  • Joshua Haigh

    My 2 tailwinds have the same problem right now, both stuck on yellow. this is after a power cut but that shouldn't have affected the Tailwinds ability to connect to the server

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  • Alex Woolf

    No power cut here and nothing else has any issues with internet access so perhaps a server issue? Not sure to be fair, but I'll check again in the morning and hope it's resolved.

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  • Scott Riesebosch

    Hi Everyone,

    We were doing some maintenance on the server and our team ran into an issue during deployment. Rollback also failed. We are working hard to restore service.

    I will post updates in a separate community thread I made, and a notification has gone out through the app about this.

    So sorry for the trouble!!!!!


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  • Scott Riesebosch

    Service has been restored. So sorry for any trouble.

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  • jeff walter



    I have been using your product for a couple of years with no problem.  Today I got a "solid yellow" light and it does not respond.  I tried resetting if from the app.  I tried unplugging it from the power.  I tried resetting the router.  Still not responding and still a solid yellow light.  Any thoughts?

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  • Scott Riesebosch

    Hi Jeff,

    Sorry you're having trouble. Do you have a separate modem or is your router integrated with the modem? If you have a separate modem please also try restarting that.

    If restarting the router and the modem doesn't fix it and the light keeps going yellow, please try deleting the device from your account and adding it back again. To do this, tap the gear icon to the right of your device in the Tailwind app. Then tap the trash can to delete it from your account. Then tap the "+" icon on the "My devices" screen to add it back again.

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  • ericprzybylowicz

    I am having this same issue. I have tried all of the above and still nothing. The device goes through setup and connect to WIFI and then from that point forward the light stays yellow and the app can no longer see the device. Not sure what else I can do I've tried a number of times now to remove/reset/get closer to the WIFI signal.

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  • Scott Riesebosch

    Eric please contact and let them know what email address you used to set up your system. Please also send a picture of the QR code on the back of the controller. Someone will help you.

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