Auto Open/Close (location based) Bug



  • Official comment
    Scott Riesebosch

    Thanks for posting Steve. Let me explain what is happening, why it happens, and what we are doing about it.

    Due to the fact that Tailwind has to work in all cases, even when the app is in the background or not even running at all, our app does not have access to all the advanced features of the phone. This includes maps. Therefore, Tailwind uses more of an "as the crow flies" measurement to determine distance from home vs knowing what street you are on. If your wife's route home involves some turns that temporarily take her further away from your house (as the crow flies), and these turns are close to home, it will think she is leaving and close the door. I am quite certain that is what is happening in your case.

    We are working on improvements to our algorithms all the time and this is one case we are working on right now - where someone is at home with the door open and another user comes home, and the route close to home involves turns that temporarily result in the vehicle driving away from home.

    This one shouldn't be too hard to correct and we expect that in a near-term app update you'll see this issue just go away by itself.

    Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

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  • Steve Kumpf

    Thanks for the response and explanation Scott. I look forward to the update which will resolve this issue.
    I love your product and the excellent technical support. Thanks again.

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  • Gregspop

    Has this been fixed. My issue is I have the door open while I am home and my wife approaches the home in the car. The automatic feature closes the door instead of opening it. It doesn't check the current status of door before automatic function. It seems like it just sends a code to just change the state of the door to the opposite position that it currently is in.

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  • Scott Riesebosch


    We did improve this but there is more work to be done. Tailwind absolutely DOES check the status of the door first. This is done in the firmware and that is not the issue. Please make sure she has the most recent version of the app installed.

    Does she use an iPhone or Android phone?

    Due to the fact that Tailwind has to work in all cases, even when the app is in the background or not even running at all, our app does not have access to all the advanced features of the phone. This includes maps. Therefore, Tailwind uses more of an "as the crow flies" measurement to determine distance from home vs knowing what street you are on. If your wife's route home involves some turns that temporarily take her further away from your house (as the crow flies), and these turns are close to home, it will think she is leaving and close the door.

    We have increased the filter for this distance such that she would need to travel a fair distance "away from home" on her overall route home for it to trigger that issue, but it seems like it is still not enough in your particular case.

    We are working on improvements to our algorithms all the time and this is one case we are continuing to work on - where someone is at home with the door open and another user comes home, and the route close to home (within about 1.2 miles) involves turns that temporarily result in the vehicle driving away from home. This can be interpreted as "leaving", and closes the door.

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  • Gregspop

    She is using Android Samsung Galaxy Note 10+.
    Thanks for the update! I'll make sure she has the latest version of the app. Thanks Scott for your wonderful product and excellent support!

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  • Scott Riesebosch

    We still have some work to do on this case FYI. I'm having a meeting with our team tomorrow and this is one of the algorithm changes on the meeting schedule. We have not done enough to resolve this particular case and need to do more.

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