Something suddenly changed



  • Official comment
    Scott Riesebosch


    Sorry you're having trouble with your auto-close. iOS 13 seems to have more issues than past releases. It seems Apple tried to increase security, although we haven't had any reports of this affecting the auto-open / close. That said, please be sure to update to iOS 13.1 or even 13.1.1 when possible as we are doing all our testing on the most recent versions of iOS.

    We have created a diagnostic tool in the app that can help you see what might be causing auto-close to not function. You can find it in the main menu. Simply run that tool and drive away safely while occasionally looking at the screen to see what it is telling you about your current speed, distance, GPS accuracy, vehicle sensor connection, and any commands being sent to your Tailwind controller.

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  • Ryan Gerken

    I'm definitely having this same experience as well.  Everything was working flawlessly up until the iOS 13 upgrade.  I'm running 13.3 right now, and it's still a problem.  I think it has something to do with the background updating not working correctly in iOS 13.  If I'm running the tailwind app in the foreground, or the diagnostic tool, it always seems to work.  If I don't have the tailwind app in the foreground, I'd say it seems to work about 20% of the time.  I have the tailwind app set for Location "Always", background app refresh "enabled" - so unfortunately, not much else we can do on this end.  Scott, please let me know if you guys find the problem.  This has really put the damper on the Tailwind experience, as far as using it with iOS is concerned.




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  • Scott Riesebosch

    Please try restarting your phones. We aren’t sure what is going on with iOS 13 lately. Some users are experiencing issues. When they do, a phone restart reportedly fixes it.

    We are investigating this but so far have not found any specific issues, and honestly we have no idea why a phone restart fixes it for users reporting problems.

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  • Tim Osborne

    I've rebooted my iPhone several times.  It does not seem to fix it.  Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't (the auto-open/Auto-close based on location).  Just an hour or so ago, it did not open the garage as I approached and that is what works almost all of the time.  Nothing else has changed in my configuration other than iOS 13 (and subsequent 13.1, 13.2, 13.3 updates).

    Suffice it to say, I really think that something in iOS 13 has changed that your app/location services is not handling correctly.

    When your device works, which was pretty much always before iOS 13, it was by far the best purchase I had ever made.

    Hopefully your developers can find the issue soon.  Call me lazy, but I don't want to hit the opener button when I leave or arrive home......


    -- Tim

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  • Scott Riesebosch


    Could you please help us help you? The next time you come home and it does not auto-open for you, please send us a bug report as soon as you can safely do so after arriving home. Then ping us at and state that I asked you to send a bug report, and that you just sent one. Bug reports only get seen by the dev team unless you notify me. I'll have a look at it myself to see what the heck is going on.

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  • Hank Vaughn

    Same issue for me. iOS 13.3

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  • Scott Riesebosch

    We have been able to reproduce this issue. There is something definitely odd going on with iOS 13. We are working hard to resolve it. Please hang in there while we work at this. We have not found any official documentation from Apple on why this would be happening, but we have been able to occasionally reproduce it so we are narrowing down the exact sequence of steps that causes this issue and hopefully have it resolved soon.

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  • Ryan Gerken

    Awesome! Thanks Scott!

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  • Scott Riesebosch

    Our pleasure!

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  • Shawn Hardy

    Hi Scott, I just purchased my Tailwind. So far I am excited for the potential, but the main feature that I am after is auto open/close.

    I am an IOS user, so I have a vehicle sensor. However, the auto open only works 20% if the time at best. When I have run the diagnostics tool to test the auto open it does work. If I use the app normally (not in diagnostics mode) it goes back to not working.

    I followed a instructions here:

    I am on IOS 13.3.1 - Nothing from the above article has helped. I am still excited for the possibility that this will work as expected. Ive searched the support and it appears that this may be the same thing other IOS 13 users are facing.

    What can I do to troubleshoot this?

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  • Scott Riesebosch


    Sorry about that. The next time you come home and the door does not automatically open, please use the Tailwind app to send a bug report shortly after you arrive home. Then ping me at and let me know you sent it. I'll go in and have a look to see what's going on.

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  • Shawn Hardy

    Hi Scott, it just happened. I will do a bug report and send you an email

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