Hey, Google. Open my garage 1234
Would the following be just as secure?
Hey, Google. {pause} Open my garage 1234
Where 1234 is my pin number. I dislike the two step, waiting for Google to ask for my pin. This may be difficult to implement correctly. A simpler version is: Let me disable the pin request (with sufficient warnings, etc) and I can name the door "1234", "bosco", or any code word.
This may let people use the insecure version out of laziness. Or the name of the door is exposed on a server somewhere.
Official comment
We agree with you. However, Google calls the shots. They control Google Home and the ecosystem. We all have to play by their rules, and currently their rules are to use the PIN code when requested - 2 steps.
The moment they will allow it to be spoken all in one phrase we will be all over it. Tailwind is still the only garage door controller that actually works with Google Home, so we are the leader in the Google Home integrations for garage doors :)
Comment actions -
Yes that is correct. It's the same thing as if you have a smart door lock. Google Home will not allow you to say "Hey Google, unlock the front door" and it unlocks. That's not permitted. August, Schlage, and everyone else - we all have to follow the rules set by Google.
That said, it would be a nice way to streamline it if they would allow the PIN code (or custom phrase) to be appended to the command like "Hey Google, open garage door 1234" like you said. It makes complete sense.
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