Can I clear the number of events counter on the icon?



  • Official comment
    Scott Riesebosch

    I will have to check with the Android developer on this. That is odd for sure.

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  • Terry Jones

    Joseph, I think I can help. On the main screen of your phone go to the very top of your screen. The notification bar, pull down and it will show you all your notifications, etc.. At the bottom you will see clear all. That will clear your counter and remove the icon badge only for what is there at the time. Then its ready for new count and will appear again as new ones come in until you clear it again. Hope this makes some sense?



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  • Joseph Fiore

    Great... thanks! I never saw that "clear" at the bottom. Following those instructions knocks the count down to "1" but I can live with that. It preserves the history and is at a stable state. At least it's not the 40-something I got up to.

    Samsung Galaxy S8, Android Version 9


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  • James

    Does support actually get back to anyone? I've sent three emails, to no avail.

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  • Joseph Fiore

    I've never emailed them. They have responded to every thread I've created on this forum asking for help. Sometimes it's, "we'll add that to the features list." Other times it's an explanation of what I was doing wrong and how to fix it.

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  • Scott Riesebosch


    Yes I do. You caught me in a temporary window where I was busy with other matters.

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  • Scott Riesebosch

    Terry thanks for your answer. That is the correct way to clear the notifications. Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. Been an exceptional couple of days.

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