Notification of open garage door



  • Official comment
    Scott Riesebosch


    We agree. This feature will be released shortly :)


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  • D Klein

    This is definitely a great idea; glad to see it's getting implemented.

    If I may piggyback on the notifications thing, I would also love to have the ability to only receive a notification when the door auto-closes. I've turned off notifications for now because I don't need or want to receive a notification every single time the door opens and closes, but it would be good to be able to receive a confirmation that the door auto-closed.

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  • Scott Riesebosch

    Tailwind sends multiple notifications if a door / gate is left open, and then stops so we don't bother the user further. We've had a few requests to change to "keep bugging me until I tell you to stop", but not many so far. I can +1 your request and if enough users request it, it will get bumped up on our development roadmap :)

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  • Scott Riesebosch

    Got it. Your suggestion has been captured and recorded. When we go through our next round of notifications options updates we will look at this.




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  • Matt Goff

    Bump on this suggestion. It's probably the single most important feature update for me. Our garage doors open to our back yard so we often leave them open during the day, and occasionally we forget to close them. Or, like last night, there was a toy blocking the door and I didn't wait to see it close all the way before I walked away 🥴

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  • Scott Riesebosch

    Hi Matt,

    If you have all your notifications turned on, Tailwind would have notified you that there was a problem closing the door. Are you asking for a notification of a failed door closure event even when all notifications are turned off?

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  • Matt Goff

    Hi Scott,

    I have Night Mode disabled.  I had an issue a while back where a garage door opened in the middle of the night and set off the alarm (very "alarming" of course).  We never figured out a root cause, but one identified possibility was Tailwind thought the door was open during Night hours, even though it was closed, and tried to close it (thereby opening it).  To be safe, I disabled Night Mode.  I was already hesitant about using it because it's not uncommon for a bike or toy or whatever to be left blocking the doors, so auto-close is problematic.

    I generally turn our alarm on at night, but not always.  If I set the alarm, it lets me know I have a door open so I'm reminded to close them.  For the nights when I don't set the alarm and have forgotten to close a door, I'd love an alert from Tailwind at a set time.

    To be specific, I'd love either:

    • Night Mode: change auto-close to a toggle.  If a door is open during night hours, display a persistent (non-dismissible) notification.  If auto-close is enabled and successfully auto-closes door, remove persistent notification and add standard "Night Mode closed the door" notification. (this is my preference)
    • Notification Settings: Add "notify me if any doors are left open" option to allow either notification after open duration exceeded (as current) or at specific trigger time (e.g. 9pm) that sends a notification if the doors are open at the trigger time.


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  • Matt Goff

    I just reread the original request and I see that his request was implemented already :)  So I suppose this is an enhancement request to his enhancement request....

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  • Avi Carmi (K6AVI)

    I use two tailwind devices, one for each driveway gate. 

    the gates should auto close on a timer after 20 seconds

    I wired the tailwind to the "fire department" exit/open contacts, which will only open (and keep the gate open as long as the contact is closed), since I never want tailwind to close the gate.

    however, sometimes the electric eye sensor is blocked by mist/dew and the gate stays open.

    it would be very useful to get repeated notifications (interval set by the user) as long as the gate is still open, as I often miss a single notification... 




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  • Avi Carmi (K6AVI)

    Thanks, indeed there are bigger fries to fish.

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