Open Notifications intermittently not showing on app after latest update



  • Official comment
    Scott Riesebosch

    Hi Micah,

    Sorry you're having trouble. Which update are you referring to? The Android app update? Or did you update your Tailwind controller firmware recently?

    I just checked your Tailwind controller and it is offline, so that could definitely be related to intermittent notifications. Please try restarting (power off / on) your WiFi router / access point. If that does not bring it back online please email for further help.

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  • Micah deVera

    Hi Scott,

    Sorry I was referencing the firmware update. My controller has been online since the update, it went down just this morning, and is back up now. It is just odd that in the app history it shows all closed notifications but not all open ones. I'll keep an eye on the notifications and report back. Thanks!

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