Constant Notifications on S23 and S9 phones after latest update
I'm getting constant popup notifications to "Please enable bluetooth" on my S23. My wife's S9 is also getting similar notification. I can disable the popup notification on my phone, but my wife's phone doesn't have that option. Every time I unlock my phone I get this popup multiple times. I do not always keep bluetooth enabled on my phone and shouldn't have to.
On top of this, I keep getting the "Auto-open enabled" message in my notification dropdown. I've enabled all notifications, but this keeps showing up anytime I start the Tailwind app on my phone.
Including a screenshot of both of these notifications in action. Please help.
Official comment
The "Please enable bluetooth" message is because turning bluetooth off will kill the auto-open feature. This notification is only supposed to pop up when our app is launched into he foreground. This has been fixed and another release will be out shortly.
The "auto-open enabled" notification is a new requirement in Android 14 and 15. We are attempting to implement a method where it will only show up while driving but we are not sure it will work. In a nutshell, Android now requires any app that is running in the background for longer than a few minutes to notify the user. The auto-open / close features require that our app is able to act as needed at any time. So when you hop in the car to go somewhere, our app needs to know this and react immediately to it.
Because of this, and the latest rules in Android, it results in a silent notification sitting there.Android does provide a way to hide the notification but in our testing it doesn't work.
Hopefully in the near future we will be able to validate another method we are working on, and if that works, you will only have that notification while driving.
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I think the biggest issue is the "Please Enable bluetooth" message that pops up on the screen every ten seconds. With it doing that, the service is effectively unable to use. I can't use my phone and not be distracted by that on screen pop up continously. My car automatically turns Bluetooth on when I connect. I don't leave it on outside of that for many reasons.
Just in typing this up, it has popped up 15 times. I guess I'll just have to disable the auto open notification and not use this feature until something changes. It just isn't worth keeping it active if I have to stare at that message constantly on my viewing screen.
We wil be uploading the beta version very shortly. It's still in internal testing. If you want early access you can enrol in the beta program. It's available to anyone. You just go to the Playstore, look up our app. In the "more info" section (I think that's where it is) there is a button to enrol in the beta. Once you click that you get enrolled. Within a few minutes the beta is then available to download from the Playstore. You can leave the beta anytime by clicking the same button, It toggles between "Join Beta Program" and "Leave Beta program".
But the updated version is not there quite yet. Soon. Few more days. It also depends on how quickly Google approves it for beta - usually 1-2 days.
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