Others before you may have asked. If you've got questions we may already have the answer right at your finger tips.
- I sold my house. I need to transfer Tailwind to a new owner.
- We have 3 vehicles and 3 garage doors. How does Tailwind handle that?
- How many garage doors can I control and monitor with each Tailwind?
- Do you have to have your phone in the vehicle for the auto open / close to work?
- What is the range of Tailwind?
- What info do we store and what security do we have?
- Do I need a Tailwind Vehicle Sensor (TVS) for my vehicle?
- Why does the Tailwind app ask to track my location?
- Tailwind automatically opens my garage as I approach. So what happens if someone steals my phone?
- If I have an iPhone, do I need a Tailwind Vehicle Sensor (TVS) for my vehicle?