Tailwind Vehicle Sensor Firmware Update




  • Avi Carmi (K6AVI)

    I tried to updated three times, each time the update freezes at less than 100%

    first time at 34%, second at 4%, and now it is stuck at 35%

    the sensor is a few inches away from the phone.

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  • Scott Riesebosch

    Usually restarting the phone and trying again fixes this.

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  • Chris N

    I’ve gotten success at the end updating the firmware but if I check it keeps updating, will the app eventually state that my vehicle sensors are up to date? It would be nice if the VS provided firmware info to compare to firmware releases. Also is there a page showing firmware releases? Thanks!

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  • Scott Riesebosch

    Hi Chris,

    Currently it will not. Apple dictates what information is allowed to be transmitted and the firmware version code is not - so the app does not know the firmware version code until after it connects and by then it just runs through the update. If we stray too far from Apple's standard it will compromise reliability of detection.

    We think we've found a way around this limitation and are working to improve it so we can know the FW version and show it in the app.

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