If you've found this article you're probably trying to link your Tailwind account in Google Home, or update one of the settings in Google Home and getting the "Couldn't update the settings. Check your connection" error. Although it's not that common, it does happen. Please know that this error is not limited to account linking between Google Home and Tailwind. There are lots of forums that discuss this error between Google Home and Philips Hue Bulbs, Wemo switches, smart plugs, and more. It seems to have something to do with which web browser is the default on your phone believe it or not. One would think that the Google Home app would play nice with the Google Chrome browser being the default, but sometimes that is not the case.
If you run into this error you can generally get past it by installing a different browser on your phone / device, then making that other browser the default and try the accounting linking process agin. So, for example, if Google Chrome is the default browser on your Android phone, you should try installing Firefox and making that your default browser to get you through the account linking process and then you can switch back afterwards.
We've informed Google of this issue and they're working on it. But for now, this is a workaround should you encounter this annoying error :)
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